One billionth of a metre, the definition for nano, isn’t a measurement that means much to most of us. Anyone who finished their science studies sometime in high school probably has a few dimly remembered concepts tucked away although if you graduated more than about five years ago, your concepts are likely out-of-date.
Most people don’t realize that scientists can also experience these problems. Specialization can render a scientist’s work incomprehensible to all but a chosen few and they can have their knowledge become obsolete as new developments occur in fields that are related indirectly to their own work.
There aren’t too many projects that could satisfy the information needs of both a scientifically ‘naive’ person and a working scientist and it’s a little early to tell if the National Physical Laboratories (UK) project in Second Life can fill the bill. Called Nano Lands, the project was launched in Oct. 2007 and in Nov. 2007 a competition to submit ideas, prototypes, and exhibits was opened to anyone over 18 years old for the new Nano Lands. There are prizes of $400US and $700US being offered and the competition is continuous. The Rules and Regulations for the competition are attached.
The following graphics are from a Nanolands tour. (For more details, from Leaving the mysteries, click on UgoTrade's Second Life Nanolands tour.)

(Copyright 2007 UgoTrade) Flying tour offer outside view of a carbon nanotube.
For permissions and licensing info., see Copyright and permissions.

(Copyright 2007 UgoTrade) Tour of the inside of a single-walled carbon nanotube.
For permissions and licensing info., see Copyright and permissions.
For permissions and licensing info., see Copyright and permissions.
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Leaving the mysteries
Nano Lands registraton
UgoTrade's Second Life Nanolands Tour
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