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Page history last edited by frogheart@... 16 years ago

The Nanotech Mysteries:

an initiation into the science and the technology


Nanotechnology is an unruly, hurly burly sort of thing still in the process of becoming. Being defined in both scientific (insider) and public (outsider) imaginations, the word is accruing meaning in different domains. While nanotechnology is being defined, scientists in laboratories situated in businesses, educational institutions, and government agencies are making discoveries for use in applications ranging from medical devices to furniture to clothing to cosmetics, etc. It is expected that the impact of all this activity will be felt in economics, politics, health, and more on a global basis. 
Meant for both nonexpert and expert audiences, The Nanotech Mysteries wiki can be used as a tool for learning science basics about nanotechnology and/or as a source of information on nanotechnology and public engagement exercises, funding and investment concerns, pop culture, and more.
This wiki is designed to be both an initiation and an invitation. Start with any title in the side bar that looks interesting or click to View all pages in the upper right corner (beyond The Nanotech Mysteries page) then choose one of the listed pages or navigate by using the tags.
Unlike a book where ideas and information are organized and developed sequentially, the wiki links together ideas in what might be viewed as an unorthodox fashion. Section titles are not always what they seem and navigating with the links between pages and with the tags offers more perspectives on the wiki's content.(Note: If you choose to navigate from the linked tags page, you will notice an alphabetised list of tags with capitalised first letters followed by another capitalised list of tags with lower case first letters.) This is both a 'muscular' (all initiations require effort) and a cumulative (initiations allow you to accumulate and add new knowledge about a special topic and/or yourself) experience.
As this wiki is a work in progress and a joint project, you are invited to add comments, topics, information, art, sound, or other material to the Nanotech Mysteries so that it becomes a richer repository of the latest scientific research, legal perspectives, policy issues, and other nonfiction, nanotechnology-related material your imagination suggests belongs here. 
NOTE: This version of The Nanotech Mysteries is open to revision and updating. There is a student version which was submitted for assessment that is and will remain closed. For the curious, the student version can be viewed here.

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